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SkTypes.h File Reference
#include <ciso646>
#include "SkPreConfig.h"
#include "SkUserConfig.h"
#include "SkPostConfig.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../private/SkTFitsIn.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 See SkGraphics::GetVersion() to retrieve these at runtime.
#define SkREQUIRE_SEMICOLON_AFTER(code)   do { code } while (false)
#define SkASSERT_RELEASE(cond)   SkREQUIRE_SEMICOLON_AFTER(if (!(cond)) { SK_ABORT(#cond); } )
#define SkASSERT(cond)   SkREQUIRE_SEMICOLON_AFTER(if (!(cond)) { SK_ABORT("assert(" #cond ")"); })
#define SkASSERTF(cond, fmt,...)
#define SkDEBUGFAIL(message)   SK_ABORT(message)
#define SkDEBUGFAILF(fmt,...)   SkASSERTF(false, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define SkDEBUGCODE(...)   __VA_ARGS__
#define SkDECLAREPARAM(type, var)   , type var
#define SkPARAM(var)   , var
#define SkDEBUGF(args)   SkDebugf args
#define SkAssertResult(cond)   SkASSERT(cond)
#define SkFAIL(message)   SK_ABORT(message)
#define sk_throw()   SK_ABORT("sk_throw")
#define SK_TO_STRING_NONVIRT()   void toString(SkString* str) const;
#define SK_TO_STRING_VIRT()   virtual void toString(SkString* str) const;
#define SK_TO_STRING_PUREVIRT()   virtual void toString(SkString* str) const = 0;
#define SK_TO_STRING_OVERRIDE()   void toString(SkString* str) const override;
#define SK_MACRO_APPEND_LINE(name)   SK_MACRO_CONCAT(name, __LINE__)
#define SK_REQUIRE_LOCAL_VAR(classname)   static_assert(false, "missing name for " #classname)
 For some classes, it's almost always an error to instantiate one without a name, e.g. More...
#define SkToS8(x)   SkTo<int8_t>(x)
#define SkToU8(x)   SkTo<uint8_t>(x)
#define SkToS16(x)   SkTo<int16_t>(x)
#define SkToU16(x)   SkTo<uint16_t>(x)
#define SkToS32(x)   SkTo<int32_t>(x)
#define SkToU32(x)   SkTo<uint32_t>(x)
#define SkToInt(x)   SkTo<int>(x)
#define SkToUInt(x)   SkTo<unsigned>(x)
#define SkToSizeT(x)   SkTo<size_t>(x)
#define SkToBool(cond)   ((cond) != 0)
 Returns 0 or 1 based on the condition.
#define SK_MaxS16   32767
#define SK_MinS16   -32767
#define SK_MaxU16   0xFFFF
#define SK_MinU16   0
#define SK_MaxS32   0x7FFFFFFF
#define SK_MinS32   -SK_MaxS32
#define SK_MaxU32   0xFFFFFFFF
#define SK_MinU32   0
#define SK_NaN32   ((int) (1U << 31))
#define SK_ARRAY_COUNT(array)   (sizeof(SkArrayCountHelper(array)))
#define SkAlign2(x)   (((x) + 1) >> 1 << 1)
#define SkIsAlign2(x)   (0 == ((x) & 1))
#define SkAlign4(x)   (((x) + 3) >> 2 << 2)
#define SkIsAlign4(x)   (0 == ((x) & 3))
#define SkAlign8(x)   (((x) + 7) >> 3 << 3)
#define SkIsAlign8(x)   (0 == ((x) & 7))
#define SkAlign16(x)   (((x) + 15) >> 4 << 4)
#define SkIsAlign16(x)   (0 == ((x) & 15))
#define SkAlignPtr(x)   (sizeof(void*) == 8 ? SkAlign8(x) : SkAlign4(x))
#define SkIsAlignPtr(x)   (sizeof(void*) == 8 ? SkIsAlign8(x) : SkIsAlign4(x))
#define SkSetFourByteTag(a, b, c, d)   (((a) << 24) | ((b) << 16) | ((c) << 8) | (d))
#define SK_MSec1   1000
 1 second measured in milliseconds
#define SK_MSecMax   0x7FFFFFFF
 maximum representable milliseconds; 24d 20h 31m 23.647s.
#define SkMSec_LT(a, b)   ((int32_t)(a) - (int32_t)(b) < 0)
 Returns a < b for milliseconds, correctly handling wrap-around from 0xFFFFFFFF to 0.
#define SkMSec_LE(a, b)   ((int32_t)(a) - (int32_t)(b) <= 0)
 Returns a <= b for milliseconds, correctly handling wrap-around from 0xFFFFFFFF to 0.
#define SK_InvalidGenID   0
 The generation IDs in Skia reserve 0 has an invalid marker.
#define SK_InvalidUniqueID   0
 The unique IDs in Skia reserve 0 has an invalid marker.


typedef int S8CPU
 Fast type for signed 8 bits. More...
typedef unsigned U8CPU
 Fast type for unsigned 8 bits. More...
typedef int S16CPU
 Fast type for signed 16 bits. More...
typedef unsigned U16CPU
 Fast type for unsigned 16 bits. More...
typedef uint8_t SkBool8
 Meant to be a small version of bool, for storage purposes. More...
typedef uint32_t SkFourByteTag
typedef int32_t SkUnichar
 32 bit integer to hold a unicode value
typedef uint16_t SkGlyphID
 16 bit unsigned integer to hold a glyph index
typedef uint32_t SkMSec
 32 bit value to hold a millisecond duration Note that SK_MSecMax is about 25 days.


enum  { SK_MALLOC_TEMP = 0x01, SK_MALLOC_THROW = 0x02 }


static void * sk_careful_memcpy (void *dst, const void *src, size_t len)
 sk_careful_memcpy() is just like memcpy(), but guards against undefined behavior. More...
SK_API void sk_out_of_memory (void)
 Called internally if we run out of memory. More...
SK_API void sk_abort_no_print (void)
 Called internally if we hit an unrecoverable error. More...
SK_API void * sk_malloc_flags (size_t size, unsigned flags)
 Return a block of memory (at least 4-byte aligned) of at least the specified size. More...
SK_API void * sk_malloc_throw (size_t size)
 Same as sk_malloc(), but hard coded to pass SK_MALLOC_THROW as the flag.
SK_API void * sk_realloc_throw (void *buffer, size_t size)
 Same as standard realloc(), but this one never returns null on failure. More...
SK_API void sk_free (void *)
 Free memory returned by sk_malloc(). More...
SK_API void * sk_calloc (size_t size)
 Much like calloc: returns a pointer to at least size zero bytes, or NULL on failure.
SK_API void * sk_calloc_throw (size_t size)
 Same as sk_calloc, but throws an exception instead of returning NULL on failure.
static void sk_bzero (void *buffer, size_t size)
SK_API void SkDebugf (const char format[],...)
template<typename D , typename S >
SkTo (S s)
static bool SkIsS16 (long x)
 Returns true if the value can be represented with signed 16bits.
static bool SkIsU16 (long x)
 Returns true if the value can be represented with unsigned 16bits.
static int32_t SkLeftShift (int32_t value, int32_t shift)
static int64_t SkLeftShift (int64_t value, int32_t shift)
template<typename T , size_t N>
char(& SkArrayCountHelper (T(&array)[N]))[N]
 Returns the number of entries in an array (not a pointer)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define SK_REQUIRE_LOCAL_VAR (   classname)    static_assert(false, "missing name for " #classname)

For some classes, it's almost always an error to instantiate one without a name, e.g.

{ SkAutoMutexAcquire(&mutex); <some code>=""> } In this case, the writer meant to hold mutex while the rest of the code in the block runs, but instead the mutex is acquired and then immediately released. The correct usage is { SkAutoMutexAcquire lock(&mutex); <some code>=""> }

To prevent callers from instantiating your class without a name, use SK_REQUIRE_LOCAL_VAR like this: class classname { <your class>=""> }; #define classname(...) SK_REQUIRE_LOCAL_VAR(classname)

This won't work with templates, and you must inline the class' constructors and destructors. Take a look at SkAutoFree and SkAutoMalloc in this file for examples.

#define SkASSERTF (   cond,
SkDebugf(fmt"\n", __VA_ARGS__); \
SK_ABORT("assert(" #cond ")"); \

Typedef Documentation

typedef int S16CPU

Fast type for signed 16 bits.

Use for parameter passing and local variables, not for storage

typedef int S8CPU

Fast type for signed 8 bits.

Use for parameter passing and local variables, not for storage.

typedef uint8_t SkBool8

Meant to be a small version of bool, for storage purposes.

Will be 0 or 1

typedef unsigned U16CPU

Fast type for unsigned 16 bits.

Use for parameter passing and local variables, not for storage

typedef unsigned U8CPU

Fast type for unsigned 8 bits.

Use for parameter passing and local variables, not for storage

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

hint to sk_malloc that the requested memory will be freed in the scope of the stack frame


instructs sk_malloc to call sk_throw if the memory cannot be allocated.

Function Documentation

SK_API void sk_abort_no_print ( void  )

Called internally if we hit an unrecoverable error.

The platform implementation must not return, but should either throw an exception or otherwise exit.

static void* sk_careful_memcpy ( void *  dst,
const void *  src,
size_t  len 

sk_careful_memcpy() is just like memcpy(), but guards against undefined behavior.

It is undefined behavior to call memcpy() with null dst or src, even if len is 0. If an optimizer is "smart" enough, it can exploit this to do unexpected things. memcpy(dst, src, 0); if (src) { printf("%x\n", *src); } In this code the compiler can assume src is not null and omit the if (src) {...} check, unconditionally running the printf, crashing the program if src really is null. Of the compilers we pay attention to only GCC performs this optimization in practice.

SK_API void sk_free ( void *  )

Free memory returned by sk_malloc().

It is safe to pass null.

SK_API void* sk_malloc_flags ( size_t  size,
unsigned  flags 

Return a block of memory (at least 4-byte aligned) of at least the specified size.

If the requested memory cannot be returned, either return null (if SK_MALLOC_TEMP bit is clear) or throw an exception (if SK_MALLOC_TEMP bit is set). To free the memory, call sk_free().

SK_API void sk_out_of_memory ( void  )

Called internally if we run out of memory.

The platform implementation must not return, but should either throw an exception or otherwise exit.

SK_API void* sk_realloc_throw ( void *  buffer,
size_t  size 

Same as standard realloc(), but this one never returns null on failure.

It will throw an exception if it fails.